dte/ www.dte.org.in for DTE Final Merit List 2011
dte/ www.dte.org.in for DTE Final Merit List 2011: Categories @ DTE Engineering Second Year Admission 2011 Tags: Directorate of Technical Education Engineering 2nd Year Admission 2011, Directorate of Technical Education announced there 2nd year admission, apply/ check online at www.dte.org.in, dte/ www.dte.org.in entrance results 2011, dte admission final merit list 2011, dte merit list 2011, final merit list of dte 2011, dte.org.in/mba, dte final merit list, www.dte.org.in Admission to Second Year of Four Year Degree Courses in Engineering for the Academic Year 2010-2011, dte admission results 2011, dte mba final merit list 2011, Maharashtra Final Merit List 2011. The schedule for rest of the activities will remain same as per previous admission notification published on 16/07/2011 FOR MORE INFO VISIT :- www.dte.org.in/poly201. The Common Entrance Test (CET) is conducted every year by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra State for admission to post graduate degree courses in Management. Visit www.dte.org.in for DTE Engineering Second Year Admission 2011 Directorate of Technical Education