APTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Recruitment April-2011 : www.aptransco.cgg.gov.in : APTRANSCO Recruitment 2011 Jobs Vacancy as Assistant Engineer (AE) : APTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Vacancy April-2011
APTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Recruitment April-2011 : www.aptransco.cgg.gov.in : APTRANSCO Recruitment 2011 Jobs Vacancy as Assistant Engineer (AE) : APTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Vacancy April-2011:- As position of Assistant Engineer on the field of (Electrical, Telecom and Civil) April 2011 Vacancies in Current advertisement. Latest info relating to APTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Recruitment April-2011 advertised online at www.aptransco.cgg.gov.in for APTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Recruitment April-2011. As per Advertisement, application in prescribed format is invited on the behalf of Recruitment 2010 - 2011 for position of Assistant Engineer on the field of (Electrical, Telecom and Civil) April-2011 Recruitment has published online at website (www.aptransco.cgg.gov.in). APTRANSCO invited applications from Indian Citizens for appointment in the cadre of Assistant Engineer Recruitment. The Recruitment of various assistant Engineer recruitment as follows:

APTRANSCO Limited Recruitment of Assistant Engineers(Elecl., Telecom & Civil) as Discipline wise posts: Assistant Engineer (AE) Total: 31 posts
Electrical, Total: 16 posts
Telecom, Total: 04 posts
Civil, Total: 11 posts
Application will be accepted from the all eligible and interested candidates only at online official website(http://aptransco.gov.in/career) between 08/04/2011 to 29/04/2011 as per the guidelines and instructions issued by the company. Read more...