mahagenco recruitment 2011 : MAHAGENCO OSD Jobs Recruitment Notifications 2011: Categories @ MAHAGENCO OSD Job Advertisement April 16,2011 Tags: MAHAGENCO recruitment 2011, MAHAGENCO OSD Jobs Recruitment Notifications MAHAGENCO OSD Jobs Recruitment invited applications from Indian Citizens for appointment in the cadre of Prosecutor Posts Recruitment as follows: Appointment of Consultant/Officer on Special Duty (OSD): Mahaguj Collieries Limited (MGCL) is a joint venture company of Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd. (MSPGCL) and Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd. (GSECL) for development of Machhakata and Mahanadi Coal Blocks in Talcher Coalfields, District Angul in the State of Orissa. MGCL intends to appoint a consultant (or OSD) to work for liasiaoning with Orissa State government at our Bhubaneshwar office for expediting the necessary clearances / approvals and any other works related to the development of Coal Blocks. Applications are invited from the interested candidates having minimum

the Executive Director (HR),
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Mumbai – 400051. For details please contact Executive Director
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